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Website Audits

AlphaQuad Digital Marketing Audit & Review options

A website audit is the ideal way to gain valuable insights into your business’ SEO health while getting to know our team.


Digital audit services

If you have particular areas that you think need attention, we also offer audits that cover more specific areas of your site’s performance.

Digital Marketing Audit

SEO Audit

PPC Audit

Social Media Audit

Accelerator Review

The Accelerator Review is the ideal way for a small business to get a top level review of the way that search engines view their site. Using their experience, expertise and some of our tried and tested tools, one of our team will carry out a ten minute run through of your site. You will see a screencast of your site as we go thorough describing good and bad points in the structure and content, the figures we see as we look at the words and phrases your site ranks for and any technical issues that may be preventing your site performing as well as it could. This is a buy online option with no obligation to go any further (unless what we show you really grabs your attention and you think you would like a more in-depth analysis). £10 of what we charge will be donated to one of our favourite charities. Get started.

Digital Marketing Surgeries


For our Digital Marketing Surgery we encourage yout to come and meet us and bring a set of questions that you would like us to to help you with after we have run through your site with you. In this hour long session, we take a deeper dive into various aspects of your site’s performance including keyword rankings, competitor analysis, content health, site structure, image optimisation, technical issues (key elements missing from pages, 404s, no-indexes, duplicate content) as well as answering your questions. We would obviously be more than happy to continue working with you after one of these sessions, but there is no obligation for you to do so. Websites are never ‘finished’, they need to evolve with your business requirements and new opportunities and techniques that come up.

Deep Dive Full Digital Marketing Audit

A digital marketing audit provides a thorough review and analysis of your site leading to an in-depth report. As well as using our own set of tools we will need access to your analytics, Tag Manager, Google Search Console and any other relevant reporting services that you use. The process involves several members of our team over several days.

Accelerator Review £40

Incudes £10 charity donation

A top level 10 minute SEO audit of your site

SEO audit
10 minute video presentation to keep
Site structure
Keyword rankings
Content semantics
Potential problems
Competitor analysis
Google Analytics check up
Google Search Console
Social Media check up
Use of images
Backlink analysis
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Digital Marketing Surgeries £450

Incudes £20 charity donation

1 hour in person and a follow up report. Bring us your SEO queries

SEO audit
I hour in person with an AQ expert
Follow up report to keep
Site structure
Keyword rankings
Content semantics
Potential problems
Competitor analysis
Google Analytics check up
Google Search Console
Social Media check up
Use of images
Backlink analysis
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Full Audit £3K-£6K

Depending on site complexity

An in depth audit of your site from the AQ team with a full report

SEO audit
Several days in depth research
Site structure
Keyword rankings
Content analysis and oportunities
Potential problems
404s, Redirects, mixed content
Link text
Competitor analysis
Google Analytics check up
Google Search Console
Social Media check up
Use of images
Backlink analysis
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